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This article discusses investigations, various types, who has the powers to carry out investigations in Uganda and how they are conducted.


investigations criminal procedure
This is a process of inquiry to make findings on whether an offence was committed to ascertain whether it is the accused that committed it and in what circumstances it was committed it.

It is from such evidence gathered that police will find it probable to charge or prosecute or not prosecute the accused with the alleged offence.

Who can carry out Investigations

In Uganda, it is the (CID) Criminal Investigations Department of police charged with carrying out investigations. Police officers may also carry out investigations under certain circumstances.

Investigations of serious or major offences are carried out by the CID and Investigations of minor offences which are easily detectable are carried out by Police officers.

Criminal investigations commence when a report about the commission of an offence is reported to police by any authority i.e., LC, Chief, or any person such as the victim, witness or the offender himself. The criminal report is made and passed to the OC (Officer in Charge) or CID who analyzes the report and gives a conclusive recommendation on whether to open a file in respect of the matter.

Where a police file has been recommended to be opened, the process of investigations is started.

In pursuit of investigations; 

·         Police proceed to visit the scene of the crime to collect evidence and other necessary samples

·         Police may pick up the body of the victim and arraign it to the hospital where necessary

·         Collect statements of witnesses around the scene

·         Arrest the suspect and conduct searches of his or her home

·         The police officer may draw a rough sketch of the crime scene

Types of Criminal Investigations

Investigation of Serious crimes

These kinds of investigations are carried out by CID who are specialized in carrying out investigations. They are usually casually dressed as civilians.  Such offences are opened up and recorded in the Criminal Record Book. They are referenced as CRB No…….

Investigation of Minor crimes

These are investigations of petty crimes which are easily detectable. These kinds of investigations can be carried out by lay police officers. Such offences are recorded in the Minor Contravention Book. They are referenced as MCB No……..

Investigation of Traffic offences

These are somewhat direct offences in that an offender is usually caught in contravention of traffic guidelines and apprehended immediately or after admission of guilt.

The difficulty arises when the offender does not plead guilty. Inquiries and findings have to be made, the scene of the crime has to be revisited, footage gathered, and the vehicle inspected for its mechanical condition. 

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